I am a UX researcher, designer, and visual storyteller.

My professional expertise sits at the intersection of understanding people and translating research insights into compelling products and services. I started my career in humanitarian innovation, designing research engagements to drive organizational change. Over the past three years, I have specialized in enhancing people’s experiences with technology products. My research has received various academic awards and has informed real-world experiences, such as the new PayPal app.

Carlos smiling at the camera

In 2023, I worked on UX research for e-commerce platforms. First with Walmart Mexico, enhancing its customer engagement and lowering business costs through delightful design journeys. Then working at PayPal Global UX, informing new innovations through a customer-centered lens.

In 2022, I finished my Ph.D. in human-computer interaction (HCI), supervised by Dr. Marta Cecchinato and Dr. John Rooksby from the social computing group at Northumbria University.

In 2021 I was a UX intern at Microsoft Research Lab – Cambridge, UK. I worked with Siân Lindley and the future of work team. My research focused on human-AI collaboration and sensemaking.

From 2016 to 2019 I worked in innovation and strategic foresight at the largest humanitarian network: The Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). I led digital engagements, design thinking workshops, and strategic consultations with members from across 192 countries. My design and storytelling expertise was pivotal in developing the IFRC’s agenda and vision for 2030.

I love traveling, cooking (often too spicy food), role-playing games (D&D paladin and wizard), and reading (non-fiction & SciFi).

In Short

Preferred name: Carlos

Pronouns: he/him

Place of birth: Mexico City

Work Permits: United Kingdom & Mexico

Education: Ph.D. in HCI | BSS Communications & Multimedia Design

Expertise: Qualitative research, User-Centered Design, Design Strategy

Currently learning: Front-end Development on Codecademy

Languages: Spanish & English

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